Saturday, 21 July 2012

Roll on day off..

..Last Monday and Tuesday were the first full days me and Andrew had together for 2 weeks. We'd planned to have little outings to galleries and museums, alas this was not meant to be. On the Monday I woke up at 8.30 with an almighty migraine - a migraine with nausea..the worst kind. I usually get migraine with aura..sounds aint! I go blind in one eye, get pins and needles in my hands and then loose the ability to speak. Monday was spent lying on the sofa with a boiling hot water bottle on my head for 6 hours and then a 2 hour sleep after being a little sick. I awoke feeling much better, the bastard had gone, so to make up for the rubbish day Andrew and I went to the Lime lounge for dinner. I had posh battered monk fish and chips dusted with lime and spice. Andrew had veal with the most scrummy carrot puree. We both finished with a double chocolate tart. LUSHIOUS!

Tuesday we were waiting around for our washing machine *hoorah* to arrive! Our day was dull and we did nothing..bit of a waste.

Oh well.

This week seems to be dragging, but next week should be fun. Monday I have off, hopefully the sun will be shining and we can go for a picnic! Wednesday double date night with our friends Ben and Jo, or Benjo as I like to call them. We're going to go and watch Batman. Thursday I'll be off out to lunch for the lovely Natalie's birthday. We're going to the Cosy Club. Friday night the birthday celebrations continue in the form of Hong Kong Bistro noodle bar. Sunday is blooming wonderful Gemma's baby shower, which will be fun.

Lots of lovely things to look forward to.

..And the count down to the annual St. Ives trip has begun!..

28 days

Me and Ben crabbing last year

Photo from last year

Gemma and her bump 'Peanut'

Birthday girl Natalie and her bubba Jack

Got a sore throat, how typical. Hope it buggers off soon!


Nell said...

Only 28 days? Woop!! And I'm jealous about how many times you're going out to eat next week!! X

Mum said...

Your life is a social whirl, isn't it? Jealous! xx

Dora said...

Not usually! xxxx