Thursday, 19 April 2012

Another bubba!..

Congratulations to Andrews niece Emma and her fiance Gavin on the birth of 
Olivia Colleen 
Who was born on the 27th of March
at 00.33am
Weighing 9lb 11oz

She is an absolute beauty.
So so gorgeous.

Colleen is Andrew's mum's name and Olivia is already being called Livi. A very pretty name!

Mamma and Livi

Pops and Livi

I cant wait to meet Livi and have a cuddle with that little cutie pie!


Nell said...

She's gorgeous! Babies with lots of dark hair are the best! And 9.11?? Good job Emma! Xx

...Nina Nixon... said...

Ooohhhh babies - must-step-away-now!

Such lovely pictures

Nina x